Engenuity Group, Inc. has been providing Professional Civil Engineering, Land Surveying, and GIS Mapping services on a continuing contract basis to the Village of Wellington since 1999.
During this time, they have provided high quality deliverables, on time and on or under budget, and have been an asset to the Village. They have successfully worked on many civil engineering projects featuring paving, grading, drainage, water and sewer design as well as hundreds of land surveying projects ranging in scope from boundary, topographic, special purpose and route surveys to preparation of sketch and legal descriptions and plat review services. They are highly adept at taking projects from their genesis to completion including conceptual design, complete 100% construction documents, design, permitting, bidding, and construction administration/ observations services.
Their project managers and engineers are highly skilled, cooperative, and communicative and the entire staff pays special attention to detail and is responsive to all of the Village’s needs. They are natural problem solvers and are always committed to providing a superior final product.
I believe Engenuity Group, Inc. would provide exceptional service to your organization and I highly recommend them for any task.
If I may be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me at (561) 791-4085.
Paul Schofield, Former Village Manager
Village of Wellington

Engenuity Group, Inc. has been providing Professional Civil Engineering, Land Surveying, and GIS Mapping services on a continuing contract basis to the Village of Palm Springs since 2016. During this time they have successfully worked on many civil engineering and surveying projects including but not limited to:
• Foxtail Palms Park
• 2017/2018 Lift Stations Rehabilitation including re-design of 8 facilities
• Lakewood Road Sidewalk Addition
• Cypress Lane Stormwater lmrpovements and Water Main Replacement
• Royal Palm Park Fishing Pier Addition
• Frost Lake Outfall
• Sabal Palm Park Restroom Addition
• Site Plan, Utility/Civil Plan and Plat reviews for many different projects
• Palm Springs Fitness Pavilion Addition
They always provide high quality deliverables and have been a benefit to the Village. They clearly understand adherence to deadlines and budgets and are skilled at working with public agencies. Their engineers and surveyors are highly adept at taking projects from their beginning stages to their finality including pre-design, construction documents design, permitting, bidding, and construction administration/ inspections services.
Their project managers and engineers/surveyors are technically skilled and easy to communicate with. The entire Staff pay attention to all facets of project management including administrative functions and are responsive to all of the Village’s requests. They are natural problem-solvers and are always committed to providing a superior final product. I always look forward to working with them and hope to continue doing so for many years.
I believe Engenuity Group, Inc. would be an excellent addition as a consultant to your organization and I highly recommend them on any undertaking.
Kimberly Glas-Castro, AICP
Assistant Village Manager
Village of Palm Springs

The City of Palm Beach Gardens Engineering Department is pleased to provide this letter of reference for Engenuity Group.
As one of the fastest growing municipalities in northern Palm Beach County, the City of Palm Beach Gardens Engineering Department is fortunate to work with a host of civil engineering and land survey experts. Engenuity Group has provided technical support services for several City projects, establishing a reputation for dependably delivering high quality work products on time and budget. Additionally, Engenuity Group regularly shows their skills and professionalism through their work submitted to the City.
Given our experience, we are happy to recommend Engenuity Group for your civil engineering, land surveying and development work.
Michael Morrow
Operations Director
City of Palm Beach Gardens